Feature Release for July'24

Live Tracking is now available on Grid!

Super Admins can now track the locations of their users based on the team they select on the Grid platform.

To learn more its setup, click on the help article here.

Restore a Deleted User on Grid!

You can now view and restore a deleted user on Grid. To know more, click here for the help article.

Notification feature is now modified to new levels!

Notifications on Grid is now updated with:

  1. option to add a title

  2. for homepage builder accounts, you can route the notification for actions

  3. choose date or date time column for reminder type

To know more, click on this help article.

Change Date Format/Time Zone for a Grid account!

Owners and Super Admins can now change date format or time zone for the end users in your Grid account. To configure, go through the help article here.