Feature Release November'24

Entry Form is now modified to Webform!

The entry form on Grid is modified with significant changes and now referred to as the Webform on Grid. 

To know more, click here for the help article.

Funnel Chart is now available on Grid dashboard!

Funnel Chart joins the list of dashboard widgets on Grid. This widget can be used to visually represent data as progressively narrowing sections, resembling a funnel shape.

To know more, refer to the help article here.

DB Connectors are enhanced with new updates!

Users can now import data from a Database Connector directly into the preconfigured worksheet on Grid.

Also, users can now append the database data to the worksheet.

To know more, refer to the following help articles:

  1. How to set up a DB Connector?

  2. How to add a query to the DB Connector?

Users can now modify Column Types/Values in Reports!

For the column names executed in the sql/trino report query, users can now alter their column type and respective values.

To know more, refer to the help article here.